Child Sponsorship Form

Thank you for your willingness to sponsor one of the children at Rafiki Africa Ministries. There are over 2 million orphaned children living in the streets and ghettos of Uganda. Many of them are orphaned by war, disease and malnutrition. however, the children at Rafiki are no longer part of these numbers due to the love and support that they receive at the Rafiki home, thanks to your generous donations. Rafiki offers help and hope for the future to these orphaned and destitute children.

As a sponsor, your financial support helps provide the children with clothing, education, clean water, food and more. While they live at Rafiki Children’s’ Home, the children are also able to attend church and learn about the love of Christ.

When you sponsor a Rafiki child, you become a part of our Rafiki family – the children treasure cards from their sponsors and we encourage you to write to your child and pray for them regularly. We will send you yearly updates about your child using the contact information you provide below. Visit our blog and our Rafiki Africa Ministries Facebook page to see more pictures of the Rafiki kids all year long.

Upon submitting the Child Sponsorship Form, you will be redirected to our Give Now page, where you will be able to set up your recurring sponsorship donation by clicking on the Child Sponsorship button in the middle of the page.

Rafiki Child Sponsor Form

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